Do not get confused on which method to use for your family planning or contraception. A comprehensive listing of available types of family planning and contraceptive methods in Nigeria with advantages, disadvantages and side effects of each method have been listed below to help you make an informed decision. Broadly family planning and contraceptive method in Nigeria have been divided into:
  • Hormonal contraceptive
  • Intrauterine Contraceptive methods
  • Voluntary surgical Contraceptives
  • Barrier Method of Contraceptive
  • Natural Family Planning method

The following hormonal methods of family planning and contraception are commonly available in Nigeria: 
  • Combined oral contraceptives (COCs);
            - Ordinary pills ( common ) 
  • Progestin-only contraceptive pills (POPs); 
            - Emergency Contraceptives
            - Progestrine pills ( not common )  
  • Injectable contraceptives  
These methods of contraception are less commonly available in Nigeria: 
  • Combined injectable contraceptives (see Injectable Contraceptives below).
  • Combined contraceptive (skin) patch (Evra),
  • Combined vaginal contraceptive ring (NuvaRing), which releases a daily dose of hormone when the ring is placed high up in the vagina.
The site focuses primarily on the on family planning and contraceptive methods that are commonly available in Nigeria. 

IUCD is a type of family planning method contraceptive method in which a flexible device is inserted into the through the virgina into the uterine cavity by a trained service provider. It is a safe highly effective and long lasting type of contraceptive method 
There are two broad categories of intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUCDs):
  • Copper-based IUCDs
  • Hormone-releasing devices. IUCDs

VOLUNTARY SURGICAL CONTRACEPTION                                                    
Voluntary Surgical Contraception (VSC) type of family planning method includes female and male sterilization procedures41 that are intended to provide permanent contraception. As such, special care must be taken to assure that every client who chooses this method does so voluntarily and is fully informed about the permanence of this method and the availability of alternative, long-acting, highly effective methods.
  • Tubal ligation
  • Vasectomy

BARRIER METHODS OF CONTRACEPTION                                                     
Barrier family planning and contraceptive methods prevent the sperm from gaining access to the upper reproductive tract (high up in the vargina) and making contact with the egg. These methods include
  •      male and female condoms,
  •      Spermicides
  •      Diaphragms
  •      Cervical caps  


It is called natural because it does not involve use of drug or device it is purely natural the following are the available natural family planning method
  1. Withdrawal method (coitus interrupters)
  2. Safe period (rhythm method)
  3. Breastfeeding   amenorrhea  method
  4. Cervical mucus membrane
  5. Basal body temperature (BBT) method
  6. Symto thermal method.

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